Call for Members of the Program Board – Program Diaspora – Joint Research Projects

The Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia is launching a Call for Expression of Interest for international research experts interested to join the Program Board and perform project evaluation for the Program of state cooperation with the Serbian Scientific Diaspora – Joint Research Projects (hereinafter referred to as: “Program” or “DIASPORA Joint Research Projects”).

The objectives of the Program are: Improving scientific excellence and relevance of research in Serbia by establishing connections with researchers from the Serbian diaspora using their competences and support through joint projects in the country and abroad, as well as the development of international cooperation, transfer of knowledge and technology, and inclusion of the scientific diaspora in scientific research and innovation work in the Republic of Serbia.

The Program allows researchers to define their own research programs, form their own teams and cooperate with appropriate scientific and research organizations in Serbia and the world.

The expected results of the projects are new scientific knowledge, methodologies, intellectual property (IP), innovations, encouraging the attraction of investments in the scientific system of the Republic of Serbia. The results are presented through scientific publications and the publication of joint scientific works, patents, development of new services, development and commercialization of products, technology transfer, IP, preparation, and submission of joint project proposals for applying to international funds or other potential sources of funding for scientific research work.

The project should enable the further development of the research goals defined in the project proposal and establish the foundations for long-term cooperation with researchers from the diaspora, foreign experts, and the foreign SRO.

The Program lends support to projects in all fields of science. There are no pre-defined topics for Projects within the Program. The Program enables researchers to define their own research programs, form their own Teams and collaborate with relevant laboratories, research centres and industry in Serbia and worldwide.

The Program duration is up to 24 months.

The total budget of the Program is € 2,200,000.00. The maximum budget per project is € 200,000.

The Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia has established a two-stage evaluation process for the Program. The first stage of the evaluation is performed by peer reviewers and the second stage is performed by the Program Board. The Program Board is an independent expert body which will consist of five members.

English is the working language for the proposed projects, as well as project evaluations, therefore excellence in the English is a must for Program Board Members.

While the engagement, work of the Program Board will be organized remotely.

Once contracted, Program Board Members are entitled to a fee of 450 EUR/per day (for 8 working hours). The expected engagement of each Program Board Member is up to 15 working days.

The Program Board assignment for the Program is expected to start on 21 August 2024 and to be completed by 20 September 2024.

Call for Expression of Interest and Terms of Reference available HERE.

Interested candidates are invited to submit their CVs in English language, together with the filled-in Registration form provided HERE, and send both files to the following email address: by 00:00 CET on 25 July 2024.