Call for Members of the Program Board for Project Evaluation – Program DEVELOPMENT – “Green” program of cooperation between science and industry – Fond za nauku

Call for Members of the Program Board for Project Evaluation – Program DEVELOPMENT – “Green” program of cooperation between science and industry

Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia is launching a Call for Expression of Interest for international research experts interested to join the Program Board and perform project evaluation for the “Green“ program of cooperation between science and industry.

The general objectives of the Program are as follows: practical support for cooperation between science and business sector based on the use of available scientific potentials, financing projects that can significantly influence the further development of society and the economy as a whole, particularly science and applied research by including excellent researches in solving vital problems of the society and by introducing young researchers in scientific research work, in strengthening the professional capacities of scientific research institutions and in creating new project teams.

The specific objectives of the Program are to support sustainable development and increase the level of environment quality by solving problems that lead to negative climate change, environmental pollution, loss of biodiversity and unsustainable use of natural resources; enable better monitoring, reporting and prevention of pollution of air, water, soil, and consumer products, having in mind strategic national goals of zero pollution, cleaner circular economy, and restoration of biodiversity.

The Program lends support to applied research in all fields of science that will result in patents, patent application, technical solutions, protected copyright work that are related to the given topics of the Program and include design and improvement of the technologies, products, and services.

The Program duration is two years for the 1st stage, and up to one year for the 2nd stage of implementation.

The total budget of the Program is € 3.500.000. The maximum budget per project is € 200,000.

The Science Fund has established a two-stage evaluation process for the “Green” program of cooperation between science and industry. The first stage of the evaluation is performed by peer reviewers and the second stage is performed by the Program Board. The Program Board is an independent expert body which will consist of 3 members.

English is the working language for the proposed projects, as well as project evaluations, therefore excellence in the English language is a must for Program Board Members.

During the course of the engagement, work of the Program Board will be organized remotely.

Once contracted, Program Board Members are entitled to a fee of 450 EUR/per day (for 8 working hours). The expected engagement of each Program Board Member is up to 15 working days.

The Program Board assignment for the “Green” program of cooperation between science and industry is expected to start in February 2023 and to be completed by March 30th 2023.

Call for Expression of Interest and Terms of Reference available HERE.

Interested candidates are invited to submit their CVs in English language, together with the filled-in Registration form provided HERE, and send both files together to the following email address: by 00:00 CET on February 19, 2023. February 27, 2023.

Closing deadline:  February 19, 2023. February 27, 2023.