The Serbian Science and Diaspora Collaboration Program

The Serbian Science and Diaspora Collaboration Program is a financial incentive that enables scientific research organizations to develop cooperation with the Serbian diaspora and improve their capacity through short-term visits of researchers from Serbia to diaspora experts and support for joint activities.

The Serbian Science and Diaspora Collaboration Program aims to establish scientific cooperation, knowledge exchange, joint work on projects, scientific papers, research and patents, planning and widening of the collaborative network between researchers from Serbia and their counterparts from diaspora. The program supports basic and applied research in all research areas, without pre-defined priority topics.

Total approved budget of the Program: EUR 797,591.70

Maximum budget per project: EUR 10,000

Project duration: 12 months

The projects implementation was postponed due to global COVID-19 pandemic.

Program Status: Implementation of 92 projects funded within program.

The Public Call for this Program was opened on 29th November 2019. The Call was closed on 31st September 2020.

Financing for the Program is provided through the budget of the Republic of Serbia (Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation).

  • 1.Област
  • 2.Категорија
  • 3.Рок за пријаву пројеката
  • 4.Датум ажурирања