Program for Development of Projects in the Field of Artificial Intelligence

The Program for Development of Projects in the Field of Artificial Intelligence is implemented under two sub-programs, one intended for fundamental and the other for applied research in the field of artificial intelligence.

The Program aims to enhance excellence and relevance of the scientific research in the domain of artificial intelligence in the Republic of Serbia, as well as to support implementation of the scientific results in economic development of the Republic of Serbia, enhancement of human resources development and improvement of international development in the field of artificial intelligence.

The main thematic areas of the Program: General artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Natural language processing, Planning, Knowledge reasoning, Computer vision and speech communication and Intelligent systems.

Total approved budget of the Program: EUR 2,207,774.08

Maximum budget per project: EUR 200,000

Project duration: 24 months

Program Status: Final reporting on the program is in progress.

The Public Call for this Program was opened on 29th November 2019. The Call was closed on 31st September 2020.

Financing for the Program is provided through the budget of the Republic of Serbia (Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation).

  • 1.Област
    Artificial intelligence
  • 2.Категорија
  • 3.Рок за пријаву пројеката
    01/31/2020 at 3:00 p.m.
  • 4.Датум ажурирања